Vacacita beans

I bought about a pound of beans called Vacacita in Mexico City this


I planted them very late here in Napa (July 1) but they came up
by the 8th.








The plants are as healthy as can be and there are some white blossoms but
so far no beans. I don’t think they’re going to produce. I have some
back up seed for next year when hopefully I can start earlier. The
few flowers will be eaten so it’s not a total wash.

Published by

Steve Sando

I dig beans.

3 thoughts on “Vacacita beans”

  1. Anita was with me when we found them in the market in Mexico City, so she has a personal interest in them. Another friend sent me a fresh supply, so I’ll try again next year. They’re worth bother because other than being pretty, they tasted great!

  2. Are you planting seeds or the beans, themselves? I planted some beans that I sprouted and they grew small bushes with pods that produced very few, but lovely beans true to type. Seeds?

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