Rancho Gordo in Gourmet

Wow.  A customer at the farmers market asked me about Gourmet magazine and I smiled and didn’t understand what she was talking about. Then another customer mentioned seeing the beans in Gourmet, and then another. Was it true? Guess what? Yes!


"Delicious bites of history." I couldn’t have said it better myself. Clearly I’m proud, but it’s even more gratifying that people "get" what we’re doing with the heritage beans and indigenous foods. I can only tell you what is was like in the beginning, going to farmers markets by myself, sometimes doing six a week and having to explain over and over that these were heirloom beans, not fancy nuts. And yes, you need to cook them. A lot of people, including friends, thought I was insane for doing this but I knew deep inside this was the right thing once I figured out how to tell the story. Having my friend Joan Taramasso come on board, at first to just help bag beans, and now running Operations, initially  seemed like an indulgence (we laugh a lot, eat well and listen to good music here at the warehouse) but now I see it’s been one of the essential reasons for the success.

We had no idea this was coming. What’s even wilder is the press we’re supposed to be getting in January, followed by the release of my book on beans next fall. Really, how lucky can you get?

Published by

Steve Sando

I dig beans.

2 thoughts on “Rancho Gordo in Gourmet”

  1. Congrats! It’s great to see everything working out so well. I fondly recall 2 or 3 of those farmer’s markets each week. Now I can say “I knew you when…”

  2. Nobody, but NOBODY, deserves it more!

    You, your beans, and your blog have turned me from a bean fan into a bean NUT!

    Here’s wishing all the success that ’08 and the upcoming book could possibly bring to Rancho Gordo.

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