More Enchiladas

Slowly the flu leaves me and rapidly I realize I am hungry. 

I'd made some purple tortillas over the weekend and then later made them into enchiladas.


First a dip into hot oil, then into a tomato-less chile sauce and then a little poached chicken, cheese and then rolled up. The trio was topped with more chile sauce and cheese. And made within 30 minutes!

Published by

Steve Sando

I dig beans.

3 thoughts on “More Enchiladas”

  1. You are not without charm, Steve, but do lack the requisite perkiness to corner the 30-minute market ;->

    Suddenly have a hankerin’ for enchiladas!

  2. What type of cheese do you recommend for enchilada’s?

    Happy to see you are feeling better now, as I must admit, I was worried for a moment. I routinely follow your blog, and Brian Williams said on the evening news that scientists were tracking a deadly flu virus in California brought in from Mexico. And I thought to myself, “Rancho Gordo!” Glad to know you are doing better now.

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