Turkey Enchiladas

(Another “encore presentation” until I get back from Texas. – Steve)

Every year it seems like Turkey Curry is the featured
after-Thanksgiving recipe in most of the newspapers. I suspect most of
us just pick at the turkey until it’s finished. My mother was famous
for her Turkey-Rice Soup. Famous? Maybe not, but we all loved it.


I made enchiladas last night with some leftover chile sauce from my
breakfast chilaquiles. The tortillas were dipped first in hot corn oil
until soft, then in the chile sauce. Inside I rolled some boiled
potatoes (from Little Farms in West Marin), some of the turkey and some chopped raw onion. The enchiladas were topped off with more chile sauce.

The recipe for a chile sauce is here.

Published by

Steve Sando

I dig beans.

One thought on “Turkey Enchiladas”

  1. Oh no! The link for the chile sauce doesn’t work. I was looking at those enchiladas thinking the sauce looked so good. Can you see if something is wrong with the link? I would really like to make the sauce.

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