Barack Obama Bean Portrait

I'm not one to say, but if the heavens are trying to send me and my fellow bean lovers a sign about who to vote for, well, I'd say the it's pretty clear after seeing this:


Facts, debates and policy are one thing, this is another! Details and process are described at the Crafster site. A very talented user named "boogaloo" (another reason for admiration) guides us through the whole project. Inspirational!

Published by

Steve Sando

I dig beans.

5 thoughts on “Barack Obama Bean Portrait”

  1. Steve: yours was my last step-off point tonight, before I watch “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner.” I chose that from the free On Demand after seeing Michelle Obama’s charming/electrifying/inspiring speech to Columbus, Ohio this morning.

    This image is SO beautiful. Thank you for posting.

  2. Sorry, but this isn’t “politics”. If you want politics, I can give you politics. If you have a whimsical bean portrait of any other candidate, I’d be happy to share it.

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