
I don't care for Health. I just like good food, to tell you the truth. But the health value of beans can't be denied! Eating Well from the Huffington Post today posted 10 Natural Superfoods You Can Eat Every Day and they had this to say about beans:


Beans are a good plant-based source of iron (up to 13 mg per 3/4 cup), a
mineral that transports oxygen from your lungs to the cells in your
body. Because your body can’t absorb the form of iron in plant-based
foods as well as it can the form found in beef and poultry, pair beans
with a vitamin C-rich food
, such as sweet potatoes or
lemon juice, to boost your iron absorption. Beans also boast fiber: 1/2
cup of cooked navy beans packs a whopping 7 grams of fiber, while the
same amount of lentils and kidney beans provide 8 and 6 grams,
respectively. Muc 
h of this fiber is the soluble kind that benefits blood
cholesterol levels.

I don't care so much but it's awfully nice to know!

Published by

Steve Sando

I dig beans.

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