Make Mine Marinade! Banana Vinegar to the Rescue


 We get a lot of people who love our banana vinegar but don't quite have the confidence to use it in the kitchen. The idea is good, but the execution isn't clear. It's understandable. It's new, strange and intriguing. 

In a mortar, start with garlic, salt and oregano Indio. Mash with a pestle until you have a paste. Then drizzle in olive oil and banana vinegar and whisk until you have a sauce. Of course, the whole mess can go into a food processor but that's not nearly as much fun and it's harder to clean. 


I've had great success with this on turkey breast fillets and pork tenderloin. Let them rest in the marinade for a few hours before cooking. 


Published by

Steve Sando

I dig beans.

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