

I first encountered purslane in the books of Diana Kennedy. In Spanish, it’s known as verdolagas and often teamed with pork and tomatillos for what must be  a tangy stew that I’ve never tried. I found it in my garden when I took up tomato-growing and was pleased that the succulent weed came up so easily by the root. Once I identified it as purslane, I took the weeds to the farmers market where I was thrilled to see I could get $3 a pound for my waste! All of my purslane customers were Mexican or Indian and they were very grateful to see the vegetable for sale.

Purslane is a succulent but it’s soft. You can add it to a salad, but not very often. It’s a very particular taste and I think you’ll get tired of it pretty fast. I like to saute it with onion, garlic and serrano chiles and then use it as a filling for tacos, or if I’m ambitious, tamales.  It’s actually delicious like this, not just a healthy weed. Did you know purslane has Omega 3 oils in it? Who needs the mercury in fish?

The purslane is dying back with the cold but there still is plenty here. If you don’t see it, ask a grower at your farmers market if they can bring you some.


Published by

Steve Sando

I dig beans.

3 thoughts on “Purslane”

  1. dude! you know how to cook and eat…and take pictures! I am a huge fan of your beans, blogged about them on June 7th (sorry, I use blogger so no trackback). I got some at your store back in June and then bought more at jimtown and the ferry building. anywhere in Santa ROsa I can buy your wonderful beans?

  2. You are too nice!
    No where in Sta Rosa at this point but I’ll work on it. You can always come to the warehouse if you’re visiting Napa, just call ahead.
    Just checked out your bloig- it’s a gas!

  3. How can i positively identify if i have “purslane” growing in my yard. Theres a plant takeing over my yard and it resembles the pics ive seen online. thank you for your help!!

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