A little more this and that

Here in Northern California, we’ve been bombarded by news that a big storm, the worst in two years, is on its way. Time to make some beans or posole. I ended up making posole for both Christmas Eve and New Years Eve. For Christmas, I added some beans and I have to say, it’s not traditional but the pot liquor from the beans adds some real body.


Despite the rain, Joan and Sarah will be at the market on Saturday, without tortillas or chips, and they’ll power through as long as they can. The original forecast was for the worst of the storm to have passed but now the weather icon has lightening bolts and torrential rain!

In other news, Vanessa Barrington, who co-wrote Heirloom Beans with me, has started a new blog worth checking out. Vanessa is a great cook and it will be fun to see what she comes up with.

Published by

Steve Sando

I dig beans.

9 thoughts on “A little more this and that”

  1. aroo! we’ll have to buy heathen tortillas from those whippersnappers at Primavera 😀

    But we promise to visit with Joan and Sarah anyway.

  2. I’ll make sure it’s packed but remember, you can always email us if you want something in particular to be brought to the market. We sell out of things all the time and sometimes it makes no sense what sells and what doesn’t. So email us and ask us to save you a bag of Vallartas and some chips and that way you won’t be disappointed.

  3. you know your regualrs will be at the market.
    I don’t even know how to make posole.
    could i eat it for breakfast instead of porridge? I have NO CLUE.

  4. Ha! I think poor Joan is going to have a lot on her plate trying to keep dry and sell beans.
    I’ll work on bringing some for sampling. Maybe not so soon, however.
    I just crossed the Napa river and it is swollen, to say the least. Let’s hope Joan can get out of Napa!
    Sam, you crack me up. It’s corn that has had the skin removed. It’s also called hominy. it’s delicious and you eat it in a chicken soup with chiles and garnishes. If you puree it, it’s grits.

  5. Waitaminute! I stopped by and your folks weren’t there!

    (No power at home. I was glad to head into the city despite the rain). My second week in a row of hot sauce disappointment.

  6. Sorry you missed us! It was a reduced market so things were moved around but Joan and Sarah were plugging away in the rain. Next time double check wit h the market information booth before giving up. Sorry about that!

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