This and That

The Rancho Gordo Store
First, the big news: We've signed a lease for a much bigger place here in Napa. The new location is closer to downtown, even walkable from the Oxbow Public Market, and best of all, there's room for a retail store. So sometime this spring, we'll have an official retail space here in Napa. I'm really excited, for many reasons, but maybe mostly because all of my Mexican movie posters will finally have a home!


Tortillas and Tortilla Chips
As our farmers market customers have noticed, we've had a major problem with the tortillas. I think we have it solved, and with the store mentioned above, we might be really amping up production. Most of the farmers who grow the beans for our Rancho Gordo-Xoxoc project also grow corn, so I'm thinking it would be wild to offer tortillas and masa made from the heirloom varieties these small farmers are growing. In fact, I think it could be huge. I'll keep you posted as this develops.

Manresa Does Iron Chef
Chef David Kinch of Manresa, who wrote that thoroughly inspired recipe for my book Heirloom Beans, will be on Iron Chef on March 15. I'll be honest, the charm of this show eludes me, but I think it'll be a real kick to see David do his thing on TV!

In The Media
*Michael Ruhlman's piece for Cooking Light in March is about 5 Food trends and Heirloom Beans come in at number five. I'm proud to be quoted in the piece.
*I taped a segment for the always rather excellent Spendid Table and it will be broadcast March 28th.
*I'll be interviewed live on Thursday, March 12th with Sandy Gluck on Martha Stewart Living
Radio's Everyday Food.

Published by

Steve Sando

I dig beans.

6 thoughts on “This and That”

  1. Steve:
    Post that photo of my love’s Rancho Gordo Valentine’s Day wishes…
    It so sums up how so many of us, I speculate, feel about your beans!

  2. Wow, that’s fabulous news about the store.

    I’m almost out of frozen tortillas (and really ready for a taco with a fresh one — enchiladas only go so far!) so I am delighted to hear your supply woes may be almost over.

  3. Lots of exciting news out of RG! Congratulations on all of it. I saw the notation in CL but how did I miss that it was by Michael Ruhlman, my idol?
    Can you tell me whether there will be any Rio Fuego forthcoming?

  4. Bring on the masa!!!!!

    I’ve made my own tortillas from white flour, wheat flower and blue and red corn. Better than anything you can buy at Safeway.

    I want some masa

  5. re Rio Fuego and other missing items, we have nasty old software that doesn’t let us let you backorder things. We’re working on it. And it should be available any minute.

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