More on the Rancho Gordo-Xoxoc Project

I often say I’m the luckiest guy on the planet. After years of struggling, I’m doing what I love and in a small way, helping some other people to do the same. When I first met up with Gabriel and Yunuen from Xoxoc, it was from a selfish need: I wanted to get these beans into the U.S.! Importing seemed like a real drag but it’s enabled both Rancho Gordo and Xoxoc to grow as businesses and it’s allowed small farmers, like Maria, to continue to grow their heritage beans as they have for centuries by creating a new market here in the United States.


I know Maria was suspicious of me. It’s not often small farmers get the best deal, especially when dealing with fat gringos. Luckily Yunuen and Gabriel are patient and made the whole process as easy for Maria and the other farmers as possible. After the first delivery to Rancho Gordo, I told Xoxoc that Maria’s beans (the Lila was one of them) had sold out and we’d need to double or triple our efforts. The greatest thing is that Maria had a grandson who was out of work and desperate and on his way to the United States. Now he’s decided to stay and work with his grandmother, growing what they love on their own land, doing what they know and and do best.

It’s not often you get these win-win stories!

Published by

Steve Sando

I dig beans.

6 thoughts on “More on the Rancho Gordo-Xoxoc Project”

  1. That’s fantastic!
    I love your beans, and I’m so glad that you’ve found this wonderful path through life…thanks for all that you do!

  2. Awesome story. I loved the Lila (all gone now – yum!), and I love what the Rancho Gordo-Xoxoc project has accomplished for people on both sides of the border. Kudos!

  3. So proud of you! This is fantastic news. I still remember you protesting in front of Safeway afternoons after school in favor of Cesar Chavez and the farmworkers. It all comes together…

  4. I am grateful to you for educating me about heirloom beans. It has added a whole new dimension to my repetoire. My gratitude is only intensified when I read stories like this and when I realize that there is so much more to learn. Thank you, Steve!

  5. First, I love Rancho Gordo beans. They are simply amazing and have caused a bean revolution in my house. We eat many many more beans and in many different ways (a reflection of the many kinds of beans you sell). I am really thrilled about Xoxoc, but I have one question: do you have any sense for what sort of pesticide/organic/ IPM system is used by the farmers? I have an ongoing debate with some friends about whether the beans might not be all the sustainable and healthy for the planet. I promise I always defend Rancho Gordo, but would love some clarity.

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